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HomeGradebookKnown Issues/Work AroundsNew GB Launcher FAQ

2.2. New GB Launcher FAQ

Why should I use the new launch method?
The new launcher allows you to run PowerTeacher Gradebook and be protected from Java updates. It runs without browser plugins, which is an added security benefit. It also includes a desktop shortcut so you can login to the Gradebook directly.

How do I get the new launcher?
Click the installer link in the New Gradebook Launch section of the PowerTeacher portal left navigation menu.

I'm using the new launcher on my computer at school. Do I need to install it at home too?
Yes, you should install the new Gradebook Launcher on each computer you use to access PowerTeacher Gradebook.

What are the minimum Mac and Windows versions supported?
The new Gradebook Launcher will work on the following:
- Mac: 10.7.3 and later
- Windows: XP, 7, 8 and 8.1+

I have an older version of Mac or Windows that does not support the new launcher. What should I do?
Computers on earlier Mac and Windows versions can still use the previous Java launch method. In the New Gradebook Launch area in the left-hand navigation, the lower portion contains a link to the original / old launch mechanism. Click that link to use the previous launch method

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